Electric Utility What’s New? This catalog contains in-depth information on the most comprehensive line of utility products available today for the electric utility marketplace. The product and technical sections have been developed with an easy-to-use “spec-on- a-page” format. They feature the latest information on electric utility products, from applications and construction to detailed technical and specification data. There’s also a user-friendly index. From low-, medium-, high- and extra-high-voltage wire and cable for power generation, distribution and transmission, both overhead and underground, General Cable offers a broad spectrum of cables for electric utilities, rural electric co-ops and independent power producers. All information in this catalog is presented solely as a guide to product selection and is believed to be reliable. All printing errors are subject to correction in subsequent releases of this catalog. Although General Cable has taken precautions to ensure the accuracy of the product specifications at the time of publication, the specifications of all products contained herein are subject to change without notice. GENERAL CABLE, SILEC, BIFILL, CL, E3X, EMPOWR, FREP, MASTERPAK, NUAL, POWRNET, POWRPAK, POWRSERV, STRANDFILL, T-2, TRANSPOWR, TRIFILL, ULTRAPOWR, UNIBLEND and VNTC are trademarks of General Cable Technologies Corporation. General Cable’s patent website lists the products that are protected by the U.S. patents indicated, and may potentially be protected with additional U.S. patents, non-U.S. patents, and/or pending patent applications. It is possible that other products, not listed, may be protected by the patents indicated below and/or otherwise. Visit www.generalcable.com/patent. © 2016. General Cable Technologies Corporation. Highland Heights, KY 41076 All rights reserved. Printed in USA. Industrial Cable SERVING INDUSTRIAL, SPECIALTY AND COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS REDUCE YOUR COSTS AND INCREA SE YOUR POWER WI TH E3X® THE UTILITY INDUSTRY’S FIRST HEAT-DISSIPATING OVERHEAD CONDUCTOR More Power. Less Cost. with E3X Technology TECHNOLOGY Groundbreaking E3X Technology allows utilities to optimize the power grid by adding more capacity and controlling losses with significant first-cost and long-term operational savings. TransPowr® features a thin, durable coating that is applied to the surface of any TransPowr overhead conductor. This heat-dissipating coating increases emissivity and reduces absorptivity, improving energy effectiveness and efficiency by allowing for a higher ampacity rating, reduced operating temperature and lower losses for a given conductor size or reduced conductor size for a given ampacity rating—transforming power grid sustainability, reliability, resilience and cost of ownership. SILEC® BRAND HIGH- & E X TRA-HIGH-VOLTAGE CABLE SYSTEMS The Silec Brand name has been synonymous with solid-dielectric extruded cable solutions for over fifty years. General Cable offers a fully integrated approach to providing a comprehensive range of quality Silec high- and extra-high-voltage cable systems. They are designed, engineered, manufactured and installed to ensure maximum service life and best-in-class performance while maintaining cost effectiveness. EMPOWR® Built for Endurance, Economics, Efficiency, Environment EmPowr® step in medium-voltage technology for renewable energy collection systems. • Enhanced Ruggedized Installation Protection • Reduced Weight and Diameter • Superior XLPE Jacket Technology • Highly Efficient Fault Current Protection An Even Greater CL Advantage General Cable has once again taken the next step in improving medium-voltage cable with superior physical characteristics for cost-effective renewable wind and solar energy collection systems. Building upon the widely accepted and innovative electrical advancements of Cross-linked Polyethylene (XLPE) jacketing coupled with reduced neutral redesigns, EmPowr Link CL Advantage provides superior protection in a compact, lightweight cable that delivers more Advantage than ever before. The Endurance CL Advantage EmPowr Link CL Advantage’s XLPE jacketing outperforms typical LLDPE jackets in impact and scoring resistance, providing a cable that physically endures the rigors of today’s direct buried installation techniques, subsoil conditions and the frequent handling of reels found in renewable collection system installations. The Economics CL Advantage Rather than typical round concentric neutral wires, industry-proven flat strap neutrals under the CL jacket provide better mechanical protection for the insulated core to withstand the pressures of automated cable handling equipment and an armor- like force to resist potential underground damages, minimizing risk of expensive repairs while optimizing profitability. The Efficiency CL Advantage The combination of a compact phase conductor and flat strap neutrals provides a lighter weight cable with an overall smaller diameter for longer cable lengths and highly efficient fault current protection. Together with the CL XLPE jacket’s proven thermomechanical properties, EmPowr Link CL Advantage offers long-term efficiencies over the life of the cable. The Environment CL Advantage EmPowr Link CL Advantage’s superior physical characteristics, smaller diameter and long-term performance make it the most environmentally friendly medium- voltage cable for today’s solar and wind construction market. With built-in benefits, lead-free compounds and General Cable’s returnable reels and carbon credit value, CL Advantage is the total green solution. Link CLTM Advantage—the next evolutionary LINK CL™ ADVANTAGE Medium-Voltage Collection System Cable – Link CL™ Generating Results through Innovation EmPowr® Advantage Cable is the next step in medium-voltage technology to deliver industry-leading reliability and performance for solar and wind energy collection systems. General Cable’s EmPowr Link CL Advantage Cable offers superior physical protection to endure the rigors of today’s collection system installation methods. This cost-effective cable solution is built upon widely accepted electrical advances in Cross-linked Polyethylene (XLPE) jacketing and optimized neutral designs to provide a compact, lightweight cable delivering more Advantage than ever before. For more information, ask your sales representative. FULL LINE CATALOGS Building Wire General Cable’s building copper wire and cable products include XHHW-2 and tri-rated USE-2. Canadian constructions such as RW90, RWU90 and T90 are also readily available. Our THHN copper products come in a variety of colors and offer a low-friction jacket designed to improve installation even under the most difficult conditions. For today’s solar energy projects, General Cable offers a complete line of SunGen® copper constructions. solar photovoltaic wire in Industrial Cables When you specify General Cable, not only are you assured of product excellence from legacy cables such as UniBlend® , FREP® and VNTC® , but SEPTEMBER 2016 you also have access to the most extensive line of high-quality innovative and commodity industrial low- and medium-voltage cables available anywhere in the industry. While most cable manufacturers try to fit your needs to their existing products, if you cannot find what you require within our thousands of cable constructions, General Cable will design and manufacture cables around your environment. INDUSTRIAL CABLE
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